BPMN Diagrams

Business process modeling sample

What is a BPMN diagram

BPMN or Business Process Modeling Notation is a diagram used to graphically represent business processes in a business process model. BPMN developed by Business Process Management Initiative and currently maintained by the Object Management Group is a widely accepted standard of business process modeling. It is used by both technical and business users; frankly speaking, it's a technical standard that provides a mapping between the graphics of the notation to the underlying constructs of execution languages and that is yet intuitive to business users. BPMN shows only concepts of business processes and though it touches some closely related company activity it doesn’t show organizational structures, data models, flow of data and functional schemes.

Why use BPMN

BPMN is a connecting link between design of a business process and its implementation. It provides a standard notation that is easy to understand for all business users including business analysts creating and improving processes, technical developers implementing the processes and, finally, managers monitoring and maintaining the processes. BPMN is a common expression of business process concepts that helps to implement them seamlessly and with less time loss.

How Grapholite can help

Grapholite allows you to easier create a BPMN by offering the following abilities:

BPMN elements

BPMN includes a limited set of elements that make it easy to understand the flow of the process. BPMN commonly contain:

Business process modeling diagram


Events are divided into Catching (events starting the process) and Throwing (events ending the process). They are represented with a circle sometimes with another icon inside (envelope, clock, etc.)

Here is a list of event elements:


Gateways represent points of making decisions in the process and are displayed as a diamond.

Gateway types:


Activity denotes a kind of work to be done and is represented with a rounded rectangle.

Activity types include:


Artifacts help include additional information to the diagram and make it more informative and understandable.

Artifact types are:

Connecting objects

Flow objects are connected with each other by the connecting objects.

Connecting object types:

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